Endovascular treatments utilize minimally invasive techniques to treat conditions in the brain with precision. Our specialized team of interventional neuroradiologists and neurosurgeons often collaborate on the best treatment for your individual situation.

Embolization – Tumor
Tumor embolization is generally done to reduce bleeding prior to a surgical resection or removal of the tumor.

Embolization – Dural Arteriovenous Fistula
This procedure is performed to plug an abnormal connection, restoring normal circulation and relieving increased pressure in the veins of the brain or spinal cord.

Embolization – Episatxis (Nosebleed)
Nosebleed embolization is performed to control severe nosebleeds and mild nosebleeds in difficult-to-reach areas.

Embolization – Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM)
This procedure may be done to close off abnormal blood vessels or before surgery to help decrease the number of vessels the surgeon must address.

Spinal Angiography
Spinal angiography is a diagnostic test used to view the blood vessels that supply the spinal cord and the tough membranes that cover the spine.

Stroke Thrombectomy
Endovascular stroke thrombectomy is a minimally invasive (non-surgical) emergency procedure to remove a blood clot from the brain artery.

Carotid artery angioplasty and stenting are treatments used to open the blood vessels in the neck to improve blood flow to the brain.

Closing off or occluding a vessel is sometimes used to treat tumors, uncontrolled nosebleeds or abnormal connections between arteries and veins.

Aneurysm Coiling/Stenting
Coiling (also called embolization) and stenting are among the ways to treat aneurysms.

Flow Diversion
Using flow diversion, blood flow to the aneurysm is reduced and treated without entering weakened artery walls.
Request an appointment online, and we’ll guide you through the next steps.